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Practice Random Acts of Kindness daily. Short on ideas? Here are some suggestions that you can use for family, friends, co-workers and classmates.
Once you see how it makes you feel, you will want to do more of it. If you have other cool ideas, post them in the comments below.
1. Send a letter, a card, or make a telephone call to a long lost friend or relative and renew that relationship.
2. Invite someone to dinner who is alone or on their own.
3. Visit a shut-in, elderly friend, or someone who is sick.
4. Offer a ride to someone to an appointment, shopping etc.
5. Send a thank you/congratulatory note to a co-worker/classmate, appreciating their efforts and the difference they make.
6. Assist a co-worker or classmate with a project.
7. Dedicate a song to someone on the radio.
8. Prepare a favourite meal/snack for family or friend.
9. Share your professional expertise with someone in need of that help.
10. Offer your services of childcare to allow a new mother some personal time.
11. Take the garbage out for your neighbour.
12. Let someone into line with fewer items than you at the store.
13. Help rake your neighbour’s leaves.
14. Assist with household activities.
15. Smile, talk, or “hang out” with a co-worker/classmate with whom you may not usually do so.
16. Wash and vacuum someone’s car.
17. Store furniture for someone.
18. Help someone move.
19. Loan your bike/car/tools to someone.
20. Share your discount coupons.
21. Let your staff go home a few minutes early.
22. Write a poem/song/paint a picture for someone.
23. Teach someone a new skill
24. Call or email a long lost friend or relative and get reconnected.
25. Open and hold a door for someone.
26. Help someone obviously struggling with a heavy load.
27. Carry groceries to the car and return the cart for a parent with a child, or a senior etc.
28. Volunteer your time and skills
29. Come to work early and make coffee for your co-workers.
30. Offer your parking space to someone; give your “pay and display” with time left on it to someone.
31. Gather up your gently used clothes, toys, furniture, and books and donate them to the appropriate organization.
32. Safely assist someone in need of roadside help.
33. Congratulate/comfort a teammate.
34. Let someone into the line of traffic.
35. Leave a thank you note for the paperboy/postal worker.
36. Reward a loyal customer
37. Thank/appreciate a business owner/staff person who has provided you with excellent service.
38. Educate others about Random Act of Kindness Day and discuss the importance of “everyday kindness.”
39. Tidy up the staff kitchen at your office.
40. Pick up litter and be kind to our environment.
41. Pick up clothing that may have fallen off a hanger in a store.
42. Compliment someone on their hair/clothing/job well done.
43. Give gently used toys and clothing to a shelter.
44. Make your family’s favourite dinner.
45. Carpool with someone for the day.
46. Ride your bike to work/school and save carbon emissions and be kind to the environment.
47. Allow a student to job shadow you.
48. Help someone with their resume.
49. Refer a job opening to someone looking for a position.
50. Share magazines that you get a subscription to when you are finished with them.
51. Share a favourite recipe with a friend or co-worker.
52. Donate your time at the food bank or soup kitchen.
53. Take your kids to the park.
54. Let your kids stay up an hour later than normal if it is not a school day the next day.
55. Teach your kids how to make cookies.
56. Take your pet for an extra-long walk.
57. If you see someone with their tail lights or brake lights out, let them know.
58. If you see someone who has locked themselves out of their car, offer to make a phone call for them.
59. Share your garden produce with friends/neighbours.
60. Comfort someone who is in need.
61. Hug someone you love and tell them you love them.
62. Give up your seat on the bus for someone who needs to sit.
63. Pick up litter off the street/parks.
64. Donate a canned item to the food bank from your cupboard that you bought are not going to use.
65. Share your notes with someone who has missed a class or meeting.
66. Donate blood.
67. Put a treat in your spouse/kids lunch box.
68. Work or switch a work shift so someone else who needs the time off can do so.
69. Let a group or organization use your boardroom for a meeting.
70. Send leftover catered food to a homeless shelter.
71. Help with housework for a senior or make their lunch for them.
72. Refer someone to a website that offers valid coupons.
73. Pick up roadside bottles and put them in a recycling bin.
74. Be part of your Neighbourhood Watch Program.
75. Pump gas for someone at the self serve.
76. Pick flowers from your garden and share them at work or with neighbours/friends.
77. Get a group together to entertain at a senior’s residence.
78. Offer to cover the receptionist over the lunch hour so she can have an extra-long lunch.
79. Clean off graffiti in your neighbourhood.
80. Have your business offer a Random Act of Kindness discount to encourage kindness.
81. Let people cross at the crosswalks when you see them waiting.
82. Offer to fix or repair items for someone who doesn’t have the skill set to do it themselves.
83. Help deliver meals to people.
84. Form a neighbourhood committee to do a neighbourhood cleanup.
85. Organize a neighbourhood garage sale.
86. Remember birthdays, anniversaries, and special dates and send the person(s) a note or card.
87. Give a friendly welcome to newcomers in your neighbourhood, at work, or at school.
88. Write a reference letter or post one on LinkedIn for someone who is not expecting it.
89. Say something nice to everyone you meet.
90. Tutor a student who is struggling with a subject in which you have skill.
91. Offer to share your umbrella on a rainy day.
92. Tell your staff/employees how important they are to your business.
93. Give your family or friends a kindness certificate that they can redeem for a favour later.
94. Donate or give your season’s theatre/hockey tickets to someone when you aren’t going to use them.
95. Share/email your photos from events with others who attended but didn’t get any pictures.
96. Send a letter of thanks to someone who has made a difference in your life.
97. Organize a potluck at work.
98. Thank the crossing guard for taking good care of the children going to school each day.
99. Thank a police officer/firefighter and stop to consider what would happen to our community without them.
100. Call your paper provider to have your paper donated when you’re away on holidays.
101. Fold and/or put laundry away for your spouse/child/roommate.
What has been your favourite random act of kindness that you have done for someone?