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I’ve personally found my biggest personal growth has come from having the patience to answer good questions. The ones that make me think.
Voltaire once said…
“Judge a man by his questions rather than his answers.”
Many of us are always seeking answers, but are we asking the right questions? And once we find the right questions, are we giving ourselves enough time to answer them? Often times we are so busy with life, we find it difficult to slow down or find the time. Always rushing from this to that.
“We hear only those questions for which we are in a position to find answers.” – Friedrich Nietzsche
Your level of personal growth is in direct correlation to the quality of questions you ask yourself.
The answers may lead to more questions. That’s ok. The more you question, the more you will learn. The more you learn, the more you grow.
You have the answers within you, just be patient enough to listen to them.
Over the last couple of months, I have been sending out a weekly ‘Start Me Up’ email. It starts with a section called Things That Make You Go Hmmmmmmmmmmmm. I have summarized those questions and included them below.
Create a place free from distractions and ponder away.
1. If today were the last day of my life…
I would do…
I would share it with…
2. What do I like to do for fun?
Am I having enough fun in my life right now?
What can I do this week to have more fun?
3. Money is no object, I will…
4. On a scale of 1-10, how busy am I?
Why do I make myself busy?
What is the true cost of my busyness?
What am I missing out on?
5. My 5 happiest days are…
6. I am grateful for…
7. I was put on this earth to …
8. I am now living a balanced life, today I will…
9. I define success as…
10. I am happiest when…
I’m on a mission to inspire people. If you know someone that you feel would benefit from these questions, please forward them along.
If you would like to receive an extra boost of energy and inspiration to start your weeks, sign up to receive the FREE weekly ‘Start Me Up’ email. You can sign up at the home page of www.HappyHealthyandWise.me.
Stay Happy, Healthy & Wise my friends!